====== Development tools ====== ===== ARM GNU C/C++ toolchain for bare-metal devices ===== Download the arm-none-eabi-gcc-4.9 toolchain from the GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain project (currently tested with the 14.07 release https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded/+milestone/4.9-2014-q4-major ). Extract the archive (e.g. to ~/toolchains ). Update your PATH to find the newly installed toolchain. In your ''~/.profile'' (for //bash//) or your ''~/.zshrc'' (for //zsh//) , add PATH="$HOME/toolchains/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2014q4/bin:$PATH" Restart your session so that is sourced again, and verify that you are running the correct arm-none-eabi-gcc version: $ arm-none-eabi-gcc --version arm-none-eabi-gcc (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors) 4.9.3 20141119 (release) [ARM/embedded-4_9-branch revision 218278] Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ===== Add compiler to Code::Blocks ===== If you want to use an IDE like Code::Blocks, you can configure it to use the newly installed toolchain. * Settings > Compiler * Copy "GNU GCC Compiler", call the new compiler "Quimesis ARM Linux Compiler" * Toolchain executables: * Compiler's installation directory: $HOME/toolchain/usr/bin * C compiler: //arm-linux-gcc// * C++ compiler: //arm-linux-g++// * Linker for dynamic libs: //arm-linux-g++// * Linker for static libs: //arm-linux-ar// When you create your project in Code::Blocks, be sure to select the "Quimesis ARM Linux Compiler". ===== Libraries for host developments ===== * libfuse-dev ===== Run a 32-bit toolchain on a 64-bit Ubuntu ===== sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6 sudo apt-get install lib32z1 ===== Windows tools ===== ST/Link v2 windows driver: STSW-LINK009 : http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF260219 ST/Link Utility: STSW-LINK004 : http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF258168 GDB server for emIDE: http://emide.org/files/stlinkgdbserver.7z ===== CANUSB module ===== To use the CANUSB module : - Connect CAN_L (pin2), CAN_H (pin7) and CAN_GND (pin3) (see http://www.can232.com/?page_id=16) - Follow this step-by-step guide to install the Lawicel CANUSB adapter on Linux (**mainly step 1 to 6**) : http://pascal-walter.blogspot.com/2015/08/installing-lawicel-canusb-on-linux.html In brief : * Install **can-utils** package : sudo apt-get install can-utils * Check if the kernel modules "can", "can_raw" and "slcan" are already loaded using **lsmod**. If not sudo modprobe can sudo modprobe can_raw sudo modprobe slcan Make them load automatically : sudo nano /etc/modules Add the three modules "can", "can_raw" and "slcan" to the list (each goes in one line). * Bind the CANUSB device (on port **/dev/ttyUSB0**) to the slcan interface (**slcan0**) and set up baud rate to 1Mbit/s (**-s8**) : sudo slcand -o -c -f -s8 /dev/ttyUSB0 slcan0 * Bring the slcan interface up : sudo ifconfig slcan0 up * To intercept CAN messages (sended and received) : candump slcan0 * To send a CAN message (for CAN 2.0 frames, max 8 bytes separated by '.' and given in hex format) : cansend slcan0 #..<...>. ===== USB-I2C (USB-ISS) module ===== from [[https://www.robot-electronics.co.uk/htm/usb_iss_tech.htm]] To be used with [[https://github.com/milidam/devantech | i2c-devantech-iss]] kernel module, to access a dedicated ''/dev/i2c-x'' device on one's Linux desktop. Then you can use the ''/dev/i2c-x'' device directly, or request another kernel module to use it: echo > /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-/new_device When using ''zsh'', the latest command may result into failure ''zsh: file exists: /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-/new_device''; in that case, just switch to //bash//, and the same command will succeed. ===== FLIR cameras ===== ==== PureThermal2 USB module ==== https://groupgets.com/manufacturers/getlab/products/purethermal-2-flir-lepton-smart-i-o-module https://lepton.flir.com/getting-started/ On Ubuntu, can be used with the [[https://github.com/groupgets/GetThermal|GetThermal interface]]. ==== FLIR ONE PRO ==== Normally foressen to work with Android. But can be used on Linux using [[https://source.dpin.de/nica/flir-gtk|flir-gtk]]((on Ubuntu < 20.04, this requires the amnual install of https://github.com/DaveGamble/cJSON)). See also https://www.dpin.de/nf/thermal-camera-on-linux-flir-one-pro/.