====== Flash SD ======
The ''quimesis_imx6dl_quimbrain'' defconfig from the buildroot-quimesis repository can be used to generate a basic Linux system running on the QuimBrain :
$ git clone ssh://dev.quimesis.be:29418/buildroot-quimesis
$ cd buildroot-quimesis
$ make O=build_quimbrain quimesis_imx6dl_quimbrain_defconfig
$ cd build_quimbrain
$ make
Once the build has succeeded, flash an SD card as follow(('''' is the block device of the SD card; e.g. ''/dev/sdc'')) :
- create a rootfs partition
sed -e 's/\s*\([\+0-9a-zA-Z]*\).*/\1/' << EOF | sudo fdisk
d # clear the in memory partition table
n # new partition
# default - primary partition
# default - partition number 1
# default - first sector : 2048
# default - last sector : 7744511
w # write the partition table
q # and we're done
- format the //rootfs// partition in ext-2
$ sudo mkfs.ext2 1 -L rootfs
- copy the SPL and u-boot to the SD card
$ cd images
$ sudo dd if=SPL of= bs=1k seek=1
$ sudo dd if=u-boot.img of= bs=1k seek=42
- copy the rootfs to the //rootfs// partition
$ sudo tar xvf rootfs.tar -C