====== HackRF ====== The //HackRF One// from [[https://greatscottgadgets.com/ | Great Scott Gadgets]] is a //Software Defined Radio// peripheral capable of transmission or reception of radio signals from 1 MHz to 6 GHz. It can be used as RF receptor, spectrum alayzer, etc. ===== Getting started ===== On Linux, you need to install the following packages: * ''libhackrf'' * ''gr-osmosdr'' ===== Generic tools ===== * ''osmocom-fft'' ===== Sweep mode ===== In order to use the HackRF as a spectrum analyzer, the sweep mode can be used. An open source project provides an interface to use it: * ''[[https://github.com/pavsa/hackrf-spectrum-analyzer | hackrf_sweep]]'' ===== References ===== * https://greatscottgadgets.com/hackrf/ * https://github.com/mossmann/hackrf/wiki * https://osmocom.org/projects/sdr/wiki/GrOsmoSDR * https://www.rtl-sdr.com/hackrf-sweep-spectrum-analyzer-windows/ * https://github.com/jopohl/urh